Degrees and Certifications:
Drama Club
Do you love the performing arts? Then Drama Club is right for you! We are a group dedicated to sharing our appreciation of all things theatre. We hold workshops, meetings, field trips, and work to promote the various productions throughout the year at VJA. We work closely with the various shows throughout the year and are one of the first stops to get involved with any other production.
Drama Club meets every-other week, on Thursdays. We meet immediately after school for about a half-hour, which gives students enough time to get to other clubs or make the activity bus. Meetings are usually in the Performing Arts Center, though occasionally in room S206 if the PAC is occupied by an event.
8th Grade Meet Link: Click here
Sponsor: Chris Budnick (room 364) & Sheila Sullivan (room S206)Sponsors Email: & sfureysullivan@d230.orgJoin us on Remind with code: @VJADC2021Google Classroom code: hznjj2n Google Meet LinkSocial Media Accounts: Twitter: @VjaDrama
Each year, the members of Drama Club elect a board of student leaders. These leaders represent the different grades and interests of the VJA theatre program. This year's officers are:
President: Dylan Young (Sr.)
Vice President: Linda Thamm (Jr.)
Social Media Chair: Bella Pelini (Sr.)
Technical Representative: Rey Dang (Sr.)
Senior Representative: Matt Rickey
Junior Representative: Amalie Askar
Sophomore Representative: Sarah Kelley
Freshmen Liaison: Giada Vaccarello (Sr.)