School Rentals

  • District 230 welcomes community organizations to utilize school facilities.

    Facility Rental

    School facilities are available to community organizations during non-school hours when such use does not:

    • interfere with any school function or the safety of students or employees, or
    • affect the property or liability of the School Districts. The use of school facilities for school purposes has precedence over all other uses.

    Persons on school premises must abide by the District’s conduct rules at all times.

    Student groups and school-related organizations and local governments are granted the use of school facilities at no cost. Other organizations granted use of facilities shall pay fees and costs.

    Review the rules and fees and then complete the rental agreement

    To arrange a rental, please contact the school you would like to use.

    Sandburg High School
    Sean Airola

    Stagg High School
    Mary Pat Carr

    Andrew High School
    Thomas Bell