Transcript Requests

  •  Current Sandburg Student - Transcript request     Sandburg Graduate Transcripts 

    • For current Sandburg students, please use SchooLinks.
      • Contact your counselor or the College & Career Counselor if you have any questions.


    • For Alumni, please use  
      • When you click on the link it will bring you to the Parchment website where you can set up a New Learner account or use your Existing User login to request your transcripts. This instruction guide details the whole process of how to order your transcript.
      • Please contact Stephanie Wilson for Registrar assistance ( or 708/671-3122).

Additional Information

  • Notification to Parents and Students of Rights Concerning a Student’s School Record (7:340 AP1 E1)

    Upon the initial enrollment or transfer of a student to the school, the school must notify the student and the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s) of their rights concerning school student records. This notification may be distributed by any means likely to reach parents/guardians.


    Schedule for Destruction of Student Records (7340: AP2 E1)

    This notice contains the destruction schedule for you or your child school records as required by rule of the Illinois State Board of Education, 23 ILL Admin Code & sect 375.40(c).