Welcome to Stagg's Activities Page
As your student continues his/her education at Stagg we hope that he/she will take the time to review the co-curricular offerings and consider getting involved in one of the many activities we have to offer. The activities listed here provide students with the opportunity to learn the values of teamwork, responsibility and leadership, diversity, perseverance and to develop a sense of culture and community within our school. Additionally, involvement fosters a student’s moxie, building on their courage and determination.
Studies have shown that when students are active participants in their school activities they achieve more success in the areas of attendance, academic achievement, and motivation for continued learning in the post-secondary world. Their involvement reinforces lessons learned within the classroom setting, enables students to apply the skills they have learned and contributes to their overall, well-rounded education.
Stagg students have the opportunity to participate in a multitude of activities that encourage their passions as well as broaden and motivate their interests. We hope that you will explore all your options and involve yourself in something Stagg has to offer!
Follow all things involving student activities on Twitter @AASStuActivity
Adventure Club
- Kelly Peterson & Gordon Oliver
- 708-974-7272 & 708-974-7265
- kpeterson@d230.org & goliver@d230.org
Art Club
- Arwa Azhari
- 708-974-7768
- aazhari@d230.org
- Twitter: Stagg_Art
Bass Fishing Club
- Brian Jackson & Bill Laschober
- 708-974-7508 or 708-974-7766
- bjackson@d230.org & wlaschober@d230.org
Chess Team
- Aron Kopera & Ernesto Razo
- 708-974-7206 & 708-974-7235
- akopera@d230.org & erazo@d230.org
Class Councils (Freshmen through Senior)
- Freshmen- Jen Baniewicz jbaniewicz@d230.org
- Sophomores- Patty Regan pregan@d230.org
- Juniors- Katie Fitzpatrick kfitzpatrick@d230.org
- Seniors: Laura Brown lbrown@d230.org
Color Guard
- Melissa Pietrusyznski & Kate Alstadt
- 708-974-7400 & 708-974-7344
- mpietrusyznski@gmail.com & kalstadt@d230.org
- Twitter: @StaggColorGuard
Council for Exceptional Children (C.E.C.)
- Allison Roberts & Melissa Zolk
- 708-974-7209 & 708-974-7944
- aroberts@d230.org & mzolk@d230.org
- James Duffy
- 708-974-7204
- jduffy@d230.org
- Twitter: @staggbusiness
Drama Club
- Jacob Fisher and Mary Rose Schifano
- 708-974-7541 & 708-974-7354
- jfisher@d230.org & mschifano@d230.org
- Twitter: @chargerdrama
German Club
- Megan Wiley
- 708-974-7279
- mwiley@d230.org
Girls Who Code (Pilot Club)
- Chris Sandor & Lisa Vondrak
- 708-974-7211 & 708-974-7310
- csandor@d230.org & lvondrak@d230.org
International Club
- Anne Reedy
- 708-974-7339
- areedy@d230.org
LeCercle Francais (Pilot Club)
- Nitya Viswanath
- 708-974-7579
- nviswanath@d230.org
- @StaggFrench
- Mark Lyons & Christy Frazer
- 708-974-7436 & 708-974-7815
- mlyons@d230.org & cfrazer@d230.org
Multimedia Club
- Laura Begani & Kristin Mastejulia
- 708-974-7926 & 708-974-7483
- lbegani@d230.org & kmastejulia@d230.org
National Honors Society (N.H.S.)
- Laura Begani
- 708-974-7926
- lbegani@d230.org
Occupational Information Club
- Shannon Stearns & Mike Creevy
- 708-974-7280 & 708-974-7316
- sstearns@d230.org & mcreevy@d230.org
- Dan Carrier & Brian Buglio
- 708-974-7785 & 708-974-7738
- dcarrier@d230.org & bbuglio@d230.org
- Twitter: @StaggPower
Relay for Life/Planning Committee
- Kristina Bennett & Mary Reynolds
- 708-974-7314 & 708-974-7703
- kbennett@d230.org & mreynolds@d230.org
- Twitter: @D230Relay
Science Club
- Mike Littmann & Stacy Verble
- 708-974-7599 & 708-974-7915
- mlittmann@d230.org & sverble@d230.org
SKILLS U.S.A. - Culinary Arts
- Elizabeth Starostka & Colleen Silk
- 708-974-7708 & 708-671-3211
- estarostka@d230.org & csilk@d230.org
- Twitter: @StaggFACS
Social Action Club
- Lisa Thyer & Chris Wendelin
- 708-974-7201 & 708-974-7471
- lthyer@d230.org & cwendelin@d230.org
- Twitter: @socialactionAAS
Spanish Honor Society
- Andrea Pinto & Ann Graham
- 708-974-7916 & 708-974-7338
- apinto@d230.org & agraham@d230.org
St. Baldrick’s
- Leah Ellis
- 708-974-7443
- lellis@d230.org
Student Ambassadors
- Suzan Jaber
- 708-974-7573
- sjaber@d230.org
Student Council
- Reneh Abudayyeh & Gina Marinello
- 708-974-7794 &708-974-7264
- rabudayyeh@d230.org & gmarinello@d230.org
- Twitter:@StaggStuCo
Technology Innovation Facilitators (TIFs)
- Kristin Pila, Antonios Roditis, & Justin Hawker
- kpila@d230.org, aroditis@d230.org, jhawker@d230.org
- Twitter: @StaggTIF
Unity Club
- Tracey Ardizzone
- 708-974-7355
- tardizzone@d230.org
- Twitter: @staggunityclub
Unity Club
- Tracey Ardizzone
- 708-974-7355
- tardizzone@d230.org
- Twitter: @staggunityclub
Varsity Club - “Charger Nation”
- Tim Conrath & John Daniels
- 708-974-7418 & 708-974-7816
- tconrath@d230.org & jdaniels@d230.org
- Twitter: @stagg_nation
Winter Guard
- Melissa Pietrusyznski & Kate Alstadt
- 708-974-7400 & 708-974-7344
- mpietrusyznski@gmail.com & kalstadt@d230.org
- Twitter: @StaggColorGuard
Yearbook - “Kaleidoscope”
- Chris Wendelin & Antonios Roditis
- cwendelin@d230.org & aroditis@d230.org
- Twitter: @AAS_Yearbook
American Red Cross Club (Pilot Club)
- Jason Carr
- 708-974-7739
- jcarr@d230.org
Marching Band/Pep Band/Jazz Band/Pit Orchestra
- Bob Mecozzi
- 708-974-7476
- rmecozzi@d230.org
- Twitter: @StaggMarching
Business Club - Charger Corner
- Sandy Kuypers & James Duffy
- 708-974-7578 & 708-974-7204
- skuypers@d230.org & jduffy@d230.org
- Twitter: @staggbusiness
Choir/Business Casual/Madrigals
- Christopher Betz
- 708-974-7521
- cbetz@d230.org
- Twitter: @StaggChoirs
Club Med (Sports Medicine)
- Kristin Pila & Rachel Hartz
- 708-974-7227
- kpila@d230.org
- Twitter: @SportMedAAS
Connections Club
- Meghan Riley & Margaret Lading
- 708-974-7237 & 708-974-7482
- moriley@d230.org & mlading@d230.org
Cultivation Club (Pilot Club)
- Mike Littmann & Tom Syska
- 708-974-7599 & 708-974-7268
- mlittmann@d230.org & tsyska@d230.org
- Twitter: StaggGardening
Debate Team
- Mike Colletti
- 708-974-7585
- mcolletti@d230.org
- Twitter: @stagg_debate
eSports Club (Pilot Club)
- Chris Sandor & Mike Littmann
- 708-974-7211 & 708-974-7599
- csandor@d230.org & mlittmann@d23.org
Girl Talk (Pilot Club)
- Gina Marinello
- 708-974-7264
- gmarinello@d230.org
- Twitter: AASGirlTalk
Graduation Director
- Erin Wendt
- 708-974-7781
- ewendt@d230.org
Key Club
- Amy Hainzinger & Beth Gulden
- 708-974-7400 ext. 7214 & 708-974-7526
- ahainzinger@d230.org & bgulden@d230.org
Literary Magazine
- Giedre Kazlauskas
- 708-974-7243
- gkazlauskas@d230.org
- Twitter: @stagglitmag
Model U.N.
- Brian Berg & Adam Zmuda
- 708-974-7910 & 708-974-7769
- bberg@d230.org & azmuda@d230.org
- Twitter: @StaggYAG
National Business Honors Society
- Sandy Kuypers
- 708-974-7578
- skuypers@d230.org
Newspaper - “Staggline”
- Christy Frazer & Ashley Cimo
- 708-974-7815 & 708-974-7283
- cfrazer@d230.org & acimo@d230.org
- Twitter: @StagglineNews
Non-Curricular Club Arise
- Kelli Preto
- 708-974-7225
- kpreto@d230.org
Non-Curricular Club Muslim Student Association (M.S.A.)
- Laurie Dulek
- 708-974-7239
- ldulek@d230.org
- Twitter: @Stagg_MSA
Orchesis Dance Troupe
- Jen Koryczan, Colleen Silk & Ruth Elenteny
- 708-974-7210, 708-671-3211, 708-974-7216
- jkoryczan@d230.org csilk@d230.org & relenteny@d230.org
Prom Coordinator
- Katie Fitzpatrick
- 708-974-7928
- kfitzpatrick@d230.org
Scholastic Bowl
- Adam Zmuda & Mike Durbin
- 708-974-7769 & 7791
- azmuda@d230.org & mdurbin@d230.org
- Twitter: @StaggScoBowl
SKILLS U.S.A. - Child Care
- Erin Wendt
- 708-974-7781
- ewendt@d230.org
- Twitter: @StaggFACS
- Stacy Verble
- 708-974-7915
- sverble@d230.org
Special Olympics
- Tom Syska, Abby Degliomini & Mary Swanson
- 708-974-7268, 708-974-7346, & 708-974-7281
- tsyska@d230.org adegliomini@d230.org & mswanson@d230.org
- Twitter: @StaggSpecOlym
Speech Team
- N. Shaabneh, R. Abudayyeh, G. Kazlauskas, J. Jakocko,
- 708-974-7812, 708-974-7794, 708-974-7243, 708-974-7240
- nshaabned@d230.org rabudayyeh@d230.org gkazlauskas@d230.org jjakocko@d230.org
- Twitter:@StaggSpeech
- Craig Ebel
- 708-974-7434
- cebel@d230.org
Swim Guard
- Jason Carr
- 708-974-7739
- jcarr@d230.org
UNICEF (Pilot Club)
- Nevien Shaabneh & Reneh Abudayyeh
- 708-974-7812 & 708-974-7794
- nshaabneh@d230.org & rabudayyeh@d230.org
- Twitter: @staggunicef
Variety Show
- Nicole Stachon, Chris Betz, & Kelli Preto
- nstachon@d230.org, cbetz@d230.org, kpreto@d230.org
Wellness Coordinator
- Dan Carrier
- 708-974-7785
- dcarrier@d230.org
Worldwide Youth in Science & Engineering (W.Y.S.E.)
- Aron Kopera
- 708-974-7206
- akopera@d230.org
Youth in Government
- Adam Zmuda & Suzan Jaber
- 708-974-7769 & 708-974-7573
- azmuda@d230.org & sjaber@d230.org
- Twitter: @StaggYAG