We strive to ensure the relationships with our business partners are mutually beneficial. We work one-on-one with our students to help them understand professional expectations and etiquette. All students are encouraged to keep an open mind on the job site and ask lots of questions to fully understand the role they are observing. They are able to acquire insight into the career field, day-to-day activities, and organizational culture while networking within their intended career field.
How will partnering with D230 benefit you and your business?
- Ensure businesses have a pipeline of qualified employees who are well prepared for years to come
- Survey current educational trends
- Develop coaching and mentoring skills
- Help close the skills gap
- Develop community ambassadors for your company
- Acquire community exposure and PR through District 230 events and publications
Are you interested in learning more about the program? If so, fill out the form below and you will be contacted by a D230 employee involved in the program to share additional information and answer any questions we may have.